OEV Pre-Order!

Posted on August 20 2019

Thank you, thank you, thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. The overwhelming support for our community by purchasing the "It Takes A Village T-Shirt" is very much appreciated!

We know everyone is looking forward to sporting their #OEV love! We will email everyone once their order is packed up & ready to be picked up or shipped (if specified). It is going to take a couple of weeks to manufacture, print, pack and sort through over 500 orders - please be patient with us!


  • Ryan: September 19, 2019

    Don’t suppose there’s any left?

  • Elizabeth: August 28, 2019

    Yes! Would really like to know how much money we raised and donated through the purchase of our t-shirts :)

  • Julie: August 28, 2019

    Such a great way to bring our community together! Could you share how much was raised and donated.

  • Frank Beltrano: August 21, 2019

    Is it still possible to buy these fundraiser t-shirts?

  • Frank Beltrano: August 21, 2019

    Is it still possible to buy these fundraiser t-shirts?

  • Allison: August 20, 2019

    I missed the boat on the OEV shirts you’re fundraising with. Definitely want to help out. Are you still going to sell them beyond last weekend?

    Thanks so much!

  • Beth W: August 20, 2019

    Please consider making a shoutout on your Instagram if you need volunteers for packing and mailing. With the right cup of coffee, I’d gladly help out for an afternoon

  • Dayle Robinson: August 20, 2019

    Just moved into the village a month ago and just love it. We heard the explosion and were devastated to hear what had happened. I just discovered the FB page. Where can I purchase in store, once available. I understand all pre-orders are sold out

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