Metro News: Get ahead with London’s new neighbourhood toques

Posted on November 16 2014


London may be shivering after its first snowfall, but a local startup has a solution.

More accurately, it has seven solutions. They’re all colourful, cosy and full of character, and they reflect everyone’s pride in London.

It’s an initiative called City of Neighbourhoods, letting people display their love for the city, or six areas, on their head in the form of a toque.

The headgear is being produced by dpms., a London start-up involving Old East Village residents Dan Phillips and Meghan Kraft.

“We selected the colours to reflect the area,” Phillips explained. “So, for example, the Old East one is one of the colours that they chose this year to represent the area.

“The Old North one is purple because Western (University) is such an influential part of the neighbourhood.”

The other areas represented included:

  • Old South, in old hockey team colours.
  • Lake Huron, in blue for the water.
  • Byron, in a fetching grey that’s connected to Boler Mountain’s colour scheme.
  • Oakridge, in a palette reflecting two sports teams.

There’s also a Forest City toque, in the old London Knights colours, so anyone in the city can join in.

It’s already proving popular. Teaser images sent out via social media are capturing people’s imaginations.

“It’s been crazy,” Kraft said. “We’ve never had so much feedback or positive response on social media before.

“We do pretty well, but this is above and beyond any expectation we had for the project.”

Unsurprisingly, six hats aren’t enough for Londoners. There’s been no shortage of suggestions for extensions to the line, including Pond Mills, Hyde Park, Woodfield, Westmount and Whitehills.

The dpms. pair are happy to hear more ideas via their Twitter account, and they expect to make some of them a reality, to join their existing products, which include Forest City t-shirts.

If you want to grab one of the toques, you’d better move fast. They’re available Saturday on the second floor of the Western Fair Farmers’ Market, and the dpms website is here.

View the orignial article here


  • Marion: August 26, 2020

    Hey do you have any Westmount toques?

  • Camryn Cheeseman: October 30, 2019

    Are these still availble?

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